We cannot be indifferent to the invitation that the Church and the Movement have made to us repeatedly in recent years, so that we can respond in a coherent way as co-responsible for the construction of a world guided by the values that sustain our faith path, in the sacramental grace of our conjugality. That is why the general orientation for the next six years, “DO NOT BE AFRAID, LET’S GO…” seeks to concretize our status as missionary disciples, not as an outlet for the conquest of miles or numbers, not as a way out proselytizing in order to nourish our vanities, but as an exit that the fire of the Spirit causes us to touch and help heal the wounds of our peripheries that may be outside and even within the Movement. This Exit, in no way abandons or neglects our essence; on the contrary, it is an outlet that carries with it all that we are, that continues to care and cultivate our being as a team member.