Dear Friends,
We are assembled today to pay tribute to Monsignor François Fleischmann, who is no longer physically with us, but who, through his manner of being, his works and the memories he left us, will always be present…
The wisdom with which he enriched the Teams of Our Lady Movement during his mission as Spiritual Counsellor to the International Leading Team, from 2000 to 2006, and his commitment marked by discernment in the service of the Cause for Canonisation of Father Caffarel will always remain a remarkable contribution to the procedure underway.
As Counsellor to the Association of the Friends of Father Caffarel, he greatly contributed to the success of the international Colloquia on Father Caffarel that were held at the Collège de Bernardins in Paris in 2010 and in 2017.
Monsignor Fleischmann was someone of great discretion and humility, despite his great talent and culture; he always knew how to communicate strong and inspired words that profoundly marked us in our lives.
Personally, we have many wonderful memories of his friendly presence and of the benevolent way in which he expressed his ideas. Furthermore, he always was quick to respond to our calls.
The Teams of Our Lady Movement are very grateful for his devotion, serenity and inestimable competency and are united in prayer for this great Servant of God.
Paris, February 2nd, 2018 – Montparnasse Cemetery
Tó & Zé Moura Soares