8 couples from all over the world and 1 Spiritual Counselor make the Team that serves all couples worldwide
Responsible Couple

The ways of God are sometimes mysterious and we only understand them with the passing of time. With complete humility and docility, we accepted the calling to be the International Responsible Couple for the Movement, and are conscious that, with this responsibility, as St Theresa of Calcutta used to say, we would only be “a little pencil in God’s hands,” in order for the Spirit to guide and write what the Movement needs in today’s context and over the next six years. Our mission will be to vitalise and incite the Movement to assume its position in today’s world, as the Church that we form, always in complete fidelity to our charisma and according to what is specific to our mystique and formation. The invitation “Do not be afraid, let us go forth,” in complete alignment with a church that reaches out, will the light that accompanies us in the work with this marvellous International Leading Team, ERI, that we have formed in a collegial manner.
Spiritual Counsellor

The Spiritual Counsellor, invited to accompany a Team, is called to collaborate with the couples on their path to holiness. In a service team, he collaborates with those responsible in their specific mission of orientation, animation, accompaniment…
As Spiritual Counsellor to the ERI (International Leading Team), I consider that the calling I received puts me in the service of the Responsible couple and of the Team in the role appropriate to the priestly ministry and to the development of the institutional charisma. As a priest of the Church, my desire is to serve the Movement in its life and mission.
Liaison couple for the Central European Zone

Our names are Thérèse and Antoine Leclerc. We got married in 1981 and have 5 children and 5 grand-children. Antoine is a permanent deacon.
The Centre Europe Zone is richly diversified in terms of culture and languages and comprises European countries stretching from France to Ukraine, the Middle East, and Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.
This diversity is not only a great source of richness, but also a great challenge for us! We are all united in the name of Christ, wishing to live out our couple in faith and to make our love grow, and that goes beyond frontiers. Prayer is the bedrock that enables us to progress together. Unity also is achieved through mutual knowledge that diminishes distances and abolishes fears. Our priority will be to ensure that Team members from different countries visit each other, exchange and in order to achieve that, we are going to encourage gatherings and meetings between countries.
Liaison couple for the Eurasian zone

We have lived in Australia’s capital city, Canberra, since we were married in early 1980. We joined Equipes Notre-Dame a few months later. Since that time, we have formed many deep and lasting friendships.
The Eurasia Zone is the smallest in number, but it is the most widely dispersed. The zone includes:Great Britain, Ireland, English-speaking Africa (4 countries), India, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Timor Leste, South Korea, and Trinidad & Tobago.
We have found each Team to be an important source of wisdom, support and inspiration. We look forward to meeting couples in each country and passing on messages about the joys and challenges
in other cultures. Sometimes, the most powerful messages come from the practical stories about real-life experiences.
Liaison couple for the Eurafrican Zone

Today, the Eurafrica Zone is made up of the following 4 Super-Regions: Italy SR, Portugal SR, Spain SR, and French-speaking Africa SR.
This composition enables the large and old Super-Regions (Italy, Portugal and Spain) to help the new Super-Regions, like the French-speaking Africa SR (16 African countries) and the Portuguese-speaking Africa SR (5 African countries), who received the good news of the Gospel more recently, to grow in faith and love.
The mission of the Zone’s Liaison Couple in this context is to encourage and stimulate mutual aid within the Zone, via meetings, exchanges, formation and material and financial support
Contact Bernadette & Sylvestre
Liaison couple for the American Zone

We are Marcia and Paulo, from Brazil. We have 46 years of marriage and 44 years in the Teams of Our Lady.
We believe that God’s call will not be made to us once in a lifetime. He calls us again and again. This time His call was to make the liaison of the America Zone; RR Canada, SR United States, SR Hispano North America, SR Colombia, SR Hispano South America and SR Brazil. As in other occasions, we are surprised by His look at us.
Following the Pope’s request, we thought of an America Zone always capable of welcoming the new, of daring, of trusting in the Holy Spirit.
The experience lived in the Teams of Our Lady, the method proposed and the mutual help us to understand the will of God and to live it. Our mission is to be an instrument of Christ’s project.
May the America Zone be a single family living in fraternity, loving God in love of neighbour and the Movement in fidelity to his charism and mysticism.
Couple responsible for Communication

Communication has taken centre stage in the modern world! And Teams of Our Lady, as a Church movement that accompanies the world, must also give their whole attention to communication and make available to all the tools that will enable the spreading of the spirit and charisma of Teams of Our Lady to everyone and in every manner.
Couple responsible for the Satellite Teams

The Church calls on Teams of Our Lady to go out on mission. Our work in the coordination of the Satellite Teams will be to contribute to the demands of reflection on the Movement’s future, in view of the challenges proposed to Teams of Our Lady at the Fatima Gathering, seeking to distinguish the immutable elements of vocation and mission linked to its founding charism, from those which give it the freedom to respond to the challenges of our time, and all the while placing its pedagogy at the service of the Church in the different realms of marriage and the family.
Couple Responsible for the Secretariat

The Christian couple is a communion at the service and in mission: it lives love to give love. The two of us are called upon to give a service ” at the service “, as the role of International Secretaries is to support and accompany in the organizational practice those who take care of the teams of the entire world. In joyful fraternity we are members of the International Responsible Team, listening to and assisting the other couples on a common journey.