Letter from the International Leading Team to all team members in the world
And after Fatima….
We are happy to share with you a little bit more of the spirit of the International Gathering that took place in Fatima this summer.
Fátima – July 21th, 2018
Experience the important moments of the International Gathering of Teams of Our Lady in Fatima!
Fátima – July 20th, 2018
Experience the important moments of the International Gathering of Teams of Our Lady in Fatima!
Fátima – July 19th, 2018
Vivez avec nous les grands moments du Rassemblement International des Equipes Notre-Dame à Fátima !
Fátima – July 18th, 2018
Experience the important moments of the International Gathering of Teams of Our Lady in Fatima!
Fátima – July 17th, 2018
Experience the important moments of the International Gathering of Teams of Our Lady in Fatima!
International Meeting – Fatima 2018
This week follow the International Meeting of Our Lady’s Teams in Fatima
Letter of July 2018
Greetings from the Counsellor
“What’s New on the “Fatima” Website!”