Last year, the International Leading Team (ERI) entrusted two Teams that had been established in Romania a few years ago to the Italy Super-Region.
Italian National Session for Spiritual Counsellors and Companions
Every three years, the Italian Super-Region organises this gathering to enable the priests and nuns/brothers/monks, who form part of our Teams, to take time together to train and exchange.
A monthly commentary on “The Joy of Love” by Father Jacinto Farias
A Source of Blessing for Everyone
An English Team celebrates their 50th anniversary
On 17th December 2016, Backworth 1 team, in the North East of England, celebrated 50 years since their first meeting.
Letter of January, 2017
Within our Movement, we have spent much time recently discussing the meaning of our mission within today’s Church. Moreover, this coincides with Pope Francis’ recent calls, with his messages to families.
Something New in 2017
A monthly commentary on “The Joy of Love” by Father Jacinto Farias
National Gathering of FLS in Paris
The big national gathering of the Teams of Our Lady for the France-Luxembourg-Switzerland Super Region took place last November 19th and 20th. It is an event that takes places only every six years.
A time to celebrate Hope by Father Jacinto Farias
A Wonderful Gathering for the Training of New Teams in Houston
Responsible Couples for the America Zone reflect upon the Training of New Teams
Letter of October, 2016
The etymology of a Latin word for mercy, misericordia, contains the word “cor” or heart; a heart that is available and open to welcome everyone, above all those to those do not consider themselves to be worthy of being loved. To say that God is merciful means that His love precedes us, that He does not renounce us, that He loves us as if we were His, because He loves us for what we are and not for what we can give Him.