Letter of April 2020

Father Ricardo Londoño Dominguez

When a threat appears on the horizon, human beings tend almost instinctively to defend themselves.  It is a basic survival mechanism.

The appearance of the Coronavirus in China has generated all kinds of attitudes and behaviours: for some, it is the beginning of the end of the world; for others, it is one more of those viruses, that together with bacteria, appear at certain moments in history but then disappear; for others, it is an opportunity to think about big business sales of effective or safe vaccines; others find in it a way to curb Chinese expansion that floods the world market with all kinds of imaginable products; others still see in it the beginning of a great war.  For many, the problem resides more in the panic provoked than in the effective danger of the virus.  And, indeed, using numbers and statistics, they present other worse scourges. But the fact of the matter is that a threat has appeared and has been faced.

Every country, every region, every continent has measured its real or imaginary possibilities of dealing with the phenomenon and has communicated to the interested parties the way forward in terms of prevention, recovery and healing.

Well, this example helps us to ask ourselves what, in our time, are the real threats to the Christian marriage project and what measures are being taken.  There are threats against unity and indissolubility; threats against stability and fidelity; threats against the conception, development and birth of children; threats against the real possibility of a stable and lasting project; threats against the education and training of children, adolescents according to the principles and values of their parents; etc.

Isn’t it true that Teams of Our Lady have a specific responsibility here? Do we feel we have the strength and courage to give a true testimonial? Are we able to show the deep value of the charisma that unites us?

There is a long way to go.  We are on the way, but there is still a long way to go. We need to strengthen our ties, our formation, our experience of the Endeavours, our commitment as missionary disciples who carry a treasure in clay pots. We are the bearers of a gift from God for the good of the Church and the world.

Therefore, we ask the Lord for the ability to be fearless witnesses of a transcendence that is often ignored.  May the life of each couple, each Team and of the whole Movement be a light in the midst of darkness; may we be the salt that gives flavour and that safeguards God’s project from corruption.


Ricardo Londoño Domínguez
Spiritual Counsellor


Read Eri Letter April 2020

Marcia & Paulo Faria