Nous nous trouvons dans ce beau temps liturgique de l’Avent.
Un temps qui nous convoque et nous invite à nous préparer pour vivre et célébrer le mystère de l’Incarnation du Verbe de Dieu et sa naissance parmi nous.
Latest NewsNews and topics coming from the thousands of Teams around the world
News and topics coming from the thousands of Teams around the world
Video – The Endeavours
At Fatima, a series of 5 videos on the Endeavours was presented and many of you really liked them!
Fatima’s letter
Letter from the International Leading Team to all team members in the world
And after Fatima….
We are happy to share with you a little bit more of the spirit of the International Gathering that took place in Fatima this summer.
Fátima – July 21th, 2018
Experience the important moments of the International Gathering of Teams of Our Lady in Fatima!
Fátima – July 20th, 2018
Experience the important moments of the International Gathering of Teams of Our Lady in Fatima!
Fátima – July 19th, 2018
Vivez avec nous les grands moments du Rassemblement International des Equipes Notre-Dame à Fátima !
Fátima – July 18th, 2018
Experience the important moments of the International Gathering of Teams of Our Lady in Fatima!
Fátima – July 17th, 2018
Experience the important moments of the International Gathering of Teams of Our Lady in Fatima!
International Meeting – Fatima 2018
This week follow the International Meeting of Our Lady’s Teams in Fatima