The big national gathering of the Teams of Our Lady for the France-Luxembourg-Switzerland Super Region took place last November 19th and 20th. It is an event that takes places only every six years.
Latest NewsNews and topics coming from the thousands of Teams around the world
News and topics coming from the thousands of Teams around the world
A time to celebrate Hope by Father Jacinto Farias
A Wonderful Gathering for the Training of New Teams in Houston
Responsible Couples for the America Zone reflect upon the Training of New Teams
Visit of the SR French-Speaking Africa
José Antonio and Amaya Marcén-Echandi, the responsible couple for the Eurafrica Zone within the ERI, visited the French-speaking Africa Super-Region, last August, 6th-15th. They tell us about their visit.
Interview with To and Zé Moura Soares
The international leaders answer to some of our questions about Fatima 2018 (from 16 to 21 july 2018)
IIIrd Encounter HispanoAmerica
A great encounter of the Super-Region HispanoAmerica’s Team members in Guayaquil in Ecuador !
Tous à Fatima du 16 au 21 juillet 2018!
The XIIth gathering of the Teams of Our Lady will take place in Fatima from July 16th to 21st, 2018. Do not miss the video clip that presents this great moment.
A “Logo” for the Fatima Gathering of 2018!
Fátima from 16 till 21 July 2018
News from the Mauritius
“Georges et Mahassen Koury, foyer de liaison la zone Centre Europe ont rendu visite aux équipiers de l’Ile Maurice…
Feedback from the Belgium Super-Region
April 23, 2016 was a memorable date for a number of Team members belonging to the Belgium Super-Region who met up in the magnificent setting of the Abbey of Maredsous.