
Letter of October, 2017

At the International College in Florianopolis last July, the general theme was the verse from St John’s Gospel that says, “For without me, you can do nothing.” (Jn 15,5) This statement of Jesus means that we have an absolute need to be united to him in order to obtain eternal life, since He Himself is Life.

The Teams of Our Lady in Cuba

On the weekend of March 11th-12th, 2017, we had the opportunity of presenting the Teams of Our Lady to the Archbishop of Havana

15th Anniversary of Teams of Our Lady in Poland

On Saturday May 27th, 2017, a gathering/pilgrimage of Teams of Our Lady members from the Super-Region of Poland and Central Europe was held. Every year, this kind of gathering is organised at a Polish Marian shrine.

Letter of July 2017

One of the topics under consideration in our Movement concerns the place of Spiritual Counsellors within the Teams of Our Lady.

About Fátima

As you know, the XII International Gathering of the Teams of Our Lady will be held in Fátima from July 16th-21st, 2018.