
Letter of Octobre 2019

The speed with which events occur and the accumulation of information that bombards us via mass media and the social networks of our time, often make us lose sight of the fundamentals. We can become distracted by the details of everyday life.

Valencia 2019

“Valencia” has been in the ERI’s mind and heart over the past months, because the Spanish town hosted this year’s College.

Letter of July 2019

My very dear Team members,Sharing with the brothers in the Movement is always an enriching experience

Teams World Map

There are dozens of Super Regions, Regions and Sectors on all continents. Know the reality of Teams

The ERI in Lebanon

The International Leading Team (ERI) went to Lebanon for a few days, for a meeting that combined work and pleasure.

Local Websites

The websites of the various countries that are part of SR and RR

Vocation & Mission

The document written by ERI, published and delivered at the Fatima International Meeting 2018 to all team members, serves as a guide and guide to ERI’s reflections and work in the coming years.

Team Life

The team is not an end in itself ; it is at the service of its members; it allows them: to experience special times of prayer together and of sharing; to help one another effectively in journeying to the Lord and bearing witness to Him….