The II International Virtual College will be held from 18 to 24 July
Latest NewsNews and topics coming from the thousands of Teams around the world
News and topics coming from the thousands of Teams around the world
In memory of Carlo Volpini
Today is a very sad day for the International Responsible Team, for the Italian Super Region, for the Teams of Our Lady movement…
Les amis du Père Caffarel
Newsletter nº5
A new logo for Intercessors!
Featuring new logo for the Intercessors
#farbutnear 6
Communication Bulletin of the ERI nº6
In memory of Jean Allemand
Virtual Meeting 2020
This how began the Virtual Meeting that brings together brings together online all the Responsible Couples and Spiritual Counselors …
This was Pentecost Mass for Teams…
This year, Pentecost Sunday was special for the Teams of Our Lady! From all corners of the world, hundreds of team members gathered virtually for the Eucharistic Celebration…
Brazil Super Region celebrates 70 th anniversary
Quarantine and social distancing did not prevent Brazilian team members from celebrating the 70th anniversary of the arrival of END in the country, with great joy.