Each year, the RR and SR check the situation of the teams, couples, counselors and spiritual advisors, as well as the status of the pilots and transmit the results to the International Secretariat.
Letter of January 2023
Dear friends, We are sending you the new ERi Newsletter . We are sending you a brief account of the ERI meeting in Paris. Best regards, united in prayer
75th anniversary of the Charter
This year (2022), on the feast of the Immaculate Conception on 8th December, we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the promulgation of the Charter…
Letter of October 2022
When the beloved and venerated John XXIII convened the Second Vatican Council, his intention was to invite the Church to live a process of renewal, of updating, of fidelity to its mission. The invitation was translated by the word “aggiornamento”….
Letter of August 2022
Dear friends, We are sending you the new ERi Newsletter . We are sending you a brief account of the ERI meeting and the International College at Assisi. Best regards, united in prayer
Letter of July 2022
Dear friends, our meeting in Asissi is approaching and we are very much looking forward to it because of the joy of being able to see each other again after three years. Attached you will find the mailing of the ERI nº4, which is a reflection on the Endeavours as pillars of conjugal spirituality. We look forward to seeing you all and send you a big hug!, with love. Mercedes & Alberto communication couple in the ERI
Meeting of the Satellite Teams and ERI, March, Sevilla, Spain
From March 12 to 14, the meeting of two of the four satellite teams that are working on various issues took place, while the ERI meeting took place from March 15 to 19 in Seville (Spain)
Letter of March 2022
I write this page in the midst of pain, sadness and uncertainty over the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and with Pope Francis’ Lenten invitation to us not to tire of doing good…
Newsletter nº29, Amici di Padre Caffarel, January 2022
The latest Newsletter of the Friends of Father Caffarel is now available.
Newsletter nº7, Amici di Padre Caffarel, January 2022
The latest Newsletter of the Friends of Father Caffarel is now available.