The cause for canonisation of Fr Henri Caffarel was the topic of a brief conversation with Fr Paul-Dominique Marcovits, who has been closely involved in this process.
Letter of April 2020
When a threat appears on the horizon, human beings tend almost instinctively to defend themselves. It is a basic survival mechanism. The appearance of the Coronavirus in China has generated all kinds of attitudes and behaviours…
Easter Message – Father Ricardo Londoño
Father Ricardo Londoño’s homily of the Easter Sunday Mass transmitted from Bogotá to the world via Internet.
Easter Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection, celebrated by the Spiritual Counselor of the ERI, Fr. Ricardo Londoño, from his house in Bogotá to the whole world.
Mass with Father Ricardo Londoño on Facebook
Le samedi 20 mars, le conseiller spirituel de l’ERI, le père Ricardo Londoño, a célébré une
messe à Bogotá
Letter from Clarita and Edgardo Bernal in time of pandemic…
At this peculiar moment that we are all experiencing, the couple responsible for the Movement of the Teams of Our Lady, Clarita and Edgardo, addresses a few words to all the members of the Teams, through a letter that was sent to the leaders of the Supra Regions and Regions of the world, and that we share here.
Lenten Message 2020
We are about to begin the liturgical time of Lent: a time when the Church summons us to return to God and to His will…
Being a christian couple in the Middle East
Josette and Fadi are the couple responsible for the Region of Lebanon. Last year, in April, the couples of the International Leading Team were in Beirut and collected this testimony in which Josette and Fadi reveal to us a little what it is to be Christian and to be part of the Teams of Our Lady in the Middle East.
Letter of January 2020
We hear in various places and in diverse media the invitation to change into a church which “goes forth”. Moreover, Teams of Our Lady want to share this ecclesiastical invitation and also…
Paroles pour l’Avent
For those who believe in Jesus Christ, the year does not begin on January 1st nor end on December 31st.