During Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th November, SR Portugal held its National Meeting in Fatima, with the presence of about 1300 team members from various Provinces and Regions…
International Leading Team
8 couples from all over the world and 1 Spiritual Counselor make the Team that serves all couples worldwide
Why Get Married?
De facto unions, the number of which is progressively increasing, are based on a false conception of an individual’s freedom to choose and on a completely individualistic vision of marriage and family.
Live your faith as a couple
The Book of Exodus speaks to us of the people’s journey through the desert. We can imagine them as they walked, led by Moses; they were families: fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, grandparents, men and women of all ages, accompanied by many children and the elderly who struggled to make the journey.
Father Jose Jacinto de Farias Meditations
Faithfulness, Spirituality, Redemption, Fruitfulness, Mission.
To Love Each Other for Life
The source of Christian love is not in man’s heart. It is in God. There is only one piece of advice to give to spouses who wish to love, who wish to learn to love more and more: seek God, love God, be united with God, give Him all the room!
Bible Texts
The texts of Holy Scripture that refer to “marriage.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church 1601-1666
The new Satellite Teams have already begun their work…
The new ERI has a new couple responsible for the Satellite Teams, Mariola and Elizeu Calsing, who have just constituted the 4 teams that will work on the 4 themes proposed for the coming…
Opening of the year in SR Spain
It was on the weekend of 27th to 29th September that the opening of the year took place in SR Spain. A meeting at Escorial, near Madrid, was attended by 150 couples and 15 …